Shemale Yum, one of the world’s leading Shemale porn sites now fits in your pocket! Shemale Yum now has a dedicated mobile site that fits perfectly on your iPhone or other smartphone and is fully compatible with all those taps, pinches, and other weird things you can do with your fingers to browse on your phone. Pretty cool if you ask me!
I read somewhere that within the next two or three years, over 70% of all web-browsing will be done on mobile devices. While I’m not sure I totally agree with that statistic, I do find myself at times wishing I had something besides Tetris to do while waiting at the doctor’s office, or standing in line… Well, not that I’d recommend browsing Shemale Yum Mobile while standing in line at the bank but who knows… maybe that person sitting across from you on the bus is busy doing the same thing!
Anyway, the point being… now you can take Shemale Yum with you every place you go! Come check out the mobile site and get access for one day for just a buck! I’ve browsed a couple of other mobile porn sites, and Shemale Yum Mobile blows them away… seriously. Don’t take my word for it though… come check it out for yourself!